AWAC Virtual Check-in (Ongoing Members)

Event Details

This event is running from 22 January 2025 until 24 December 2025. It is next occurring on February 19, 2025 7:00 pm

  • Upcoming Dates:

This virtual forum is for ongoing members (even if you took a break). If you’re new, please join our next IN-PERSON meeting first!

How virtual meetings work:

  1. Join our private chat channel on Discord (see below)
  2. Show up online at 7PM ET for moderated check-ins & chat!

The private chat channel on Discord is open to our ongoing community. If you are an ongoing member (even if it’s been a while) and you haven’t joined the chat already, just message us for an invite.

NOTE: This virtual meeting is bi-weekly. Our bi-weekly virtual meetup started with the pandemic, and now it helps us include ongoing members regardless of geographical location, health considerations, etc.